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The Tardis
An Interactive Sculpture

The strange Police Box spins through space over the Yorkshire Dales

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Viewer Interactive

"The Tardis Over Yorkshire" is a 3D, reverse perspective, painted sculpture. It has motion as the viewer moves up or down, right or left. It is the creation of artists Phil Dynan and Anastasia Nelson. Is Dr. Who onboard?

Some Fun

The Tardis is a fun piece of art to enjoy. It was also a fun project for the artists. It took about one year to complete, including the woodwork. - which involved a bit of math and a bit of magic. Our friend, Bill Yoskowitz, was the fourth woodworker to attempt building this sculpture. He succeeded where others just couldn't quite get it.

Both artists have been fans of the Dr. Who TV Series for many years, so the project felt quite natural It is always fun working with something that you believe in and find entertaining.